May 30, 2012

30. 5. 2012 Study

29. 5. 2012 ChoW 290

Character of the week # 290: Guardian of the Flame

Guardian of olympian flame. The idea is that flame acts like life-spell for a golem for this character.

May 28, 2012

27. 5. 2012 DSG 1643

Daily sketch group 1643: Emergency smallcraft ready-perched on University bldg wall dock

Okay... This one didnt go as I wanted it to.. I need way more practice for that. Still it´s not of the worst, hopefully...

27. 5. 2012 An evening study

May 16, 2012

16. 5. 2012 Valley

Decided to make something more detailed than the classic speedies.. still very rough, thoug... 2-3 hrs...

May 10, 2012

10. 5. 2012 - Movie still study

Quite complex... took quite a while even though it´s still pretty rough...