Dec 19, 2012

Perspective training

So I had this one idea when I was going home a few nights ago... and doodled it into my sketchbook... And then I decided to make it into a perspective "assignment"... so here´s the WIP.

By the way this is by no means done.. it´s just that my tablet needs some repairing, so I posted it as it is...

Dec 14, 2012

A study

Little too rough, little too easy... just to warm up... I got lazy; way too lazy....
I am bad and I should feel bad... oh well... gotta work my way up again...

Sep 4, 2012

4. 9. 2012

Tried a different technique... still have a big road ahead of me in this one, though... Cca 30 - 40 mins...

Jul 29, 2012

29. 7. 2012 From stream

It´s a study only... the picture I did after that vanished when my computer crashed... oh well...

Jul 19, 2012

18. 7. 2012 Doodling around

A random character

And some doodles I did to music... each to a different song and not a second longer...

Jul 5, 2012

4. 7. 2012 (not so great) Self Portrait

My very first try on anything remotely reminiscent of a self-portrait or on painting real person on computer...

Jul 3, 2012

3. 7. 2012 Just some updates...

 The suit.... more refined...
 And EOW - 192 - Museum Exhibit on Robot Uprising WIP

Jun 20, 2012

20. 6. 2012 The Obelisk

I decided to make some more finished pictures in the near future. The first one is right here. A concept of an obelisk in a fantasy setting.

May 30, 2012

30. 5. 2012 Study

29. 5. 2012 ChoW 290

Character of the week # 290: Guardian of the Flame

Guardian of olympian flame. The idea is that flame acts like life-spell for a golem for this character.

May 28, 2012

27. 5. 2012 DSG 1643

Daily sketch group 1643: Emergency smallcraft ready-perched on University bldg wall dock

Okay... This one didnt go as I wanted it to.. I need way more practice for that. Still it´s not of the worst, hopefully...

27. 5. 2012 An evening study

May 16, 2012

16. 5. 2012 Valley

Decided to make something more detailed than the classic speedies.. still very rough, thoug... 2-3 hrs...